Have you ever thought to yourself: “I’m unhappy, but I’m not sure why”? This may be an especially confusing experience if you are an adult achieving success in many areas of your life, and consider your childhood years uncomplicated. Still, you feel like something is missing.
In addition to every human’s basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter, children need unconditional love, guidance, stability, trust, and encouragement from their primary caregivers to develop into well-adjusted adults.
Every child deserves to know that they are valued, loved, cared for, and to have a secure and nurturing environment. While this is the ideal, no one is guaranteed attentive, attuned, and healthy parental figures as role models during their developmental years. The absence of warmth, affection, validation, safety, caring, or reassurance provided by your primary caregivers as a child can have a profound impact on your emotional growth and development.
People are finally acknowledging and naming the insidious forms of developmental trauma that can occur in childhood. Not all forms of mistreatment leave physical marks. For people who were emotionally neglected as children, it was the absence of things which you needed but didn’t receive when it mattered most.
Childhood emotional neglect (CEN) is a form of trauma that occurs when caregivers fail to provide their child with adequate attention and care. It can be difficult to identify because there aren’t any physical signs of abuse, but it can have lasting effects on your self-esteem and relationships.
CEN occurs when caregivers or parents are physically present, but fail to meet their child’s emotional needs by being unavailable or rejecting them in some way. Childhood emotional neglect is a hidden, yet common form of childhood trauma. Children with this type of experience may look like they grew up in what appeared to be a normal family: no abuse, no violence, and not even any significant neglect. However, as children grow older they begin to realize that their caregivers weren’t available for them in the way that all children need for healthy psychological development.
It’s difficult to admit, or even consider the possibility that you have been emotionally neglected as a child. You may find yourself thinking that it wasn’t really that bad, or at least not as bad as other people have experienced.
Emotional Neglect is a form of developmental trauma that occurs when caregivers fail to provide their children with enough emotional attunement to form an appropriate caregiver-child attachment. Attunement and healthy attunement are crucial aspects of a child’s development. Caregivers or parents who are not adequately attuned may show little interest in their child’s feelings or activities; they are emotionally unavailable for their child’s needs (even though they may be physically present); or they may ignore major life events such as birthdays or graduations.
If you’re like most people who grew up with Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN), you’ll find yourself thinking, “My parents always provided enough food and a roof over my head” or “It could have been worse.” Yet, there was something missing from their love that made it hard for them–and for you–to meet your deepest needs in childhood and beyond: emotional intimacy; empathy; validation; unconditional acceptance and encouragement of who you were at any given moment in time.
Below are some common experiences that people who have experienced childhood emotional neglect may share:
Growing up in a home where emotional expression was rarely allowed, you never quite felt like you could be your true self. Any time you tried to discuss your feelings, your caregivers or parents would immediately shut you down. They suggested, directly or indirectly, that your emotions are unwelcome or unreasonable. You often felt alone and misunderstood, like no one cared enough to really listen or even notice that you were sad, anxious, angry or hurt.
As the oldest child in the family, you were often left to take on responsibilities that were beyond your years. While your siblings were given the attention and affection they deserved, you were left to fend for yourself and made to feel guilty if you ever asked for more. You may have often felt invisible and like you weren’t valued as an important part of the family. You may have felt shame for having even basic needs.
Growing up in a home with well-meaning but workaholic caregivers, you received love in the form of material wealth. You may have moved around often for the adults’ job opportunities. Even when your caregivers were present, it felt like they were absent emotionally, leaving you feeling abandoned and neglected. You were expected to have similar success to your caregivers, and this was prioritized over your emotions or spending quality time together.
Additional examples of childhood emotional neglect:
Lack of emotional warmth and attunement from caregivers
Not feeling safe to talk about feelings with caregivers
Caregivers not attending to signs of anger, sadness, fear, loneliness, or anxiety
Attempts for physical affection are dismissed or ignored
Not being able to ask for help when needed, or getting punished when asking for help
Frequent criticism from caregivers
Lack of safety and security
Refusal to apologize or own up to mistakes
Excessive and unreasonable rules and expectations
Lack of appropriate structure and modeling necessary for healthy self-discipline skills
Pressure to perform or excel at often unattainable standards
Modeling hostile or passive-aggressive patterns of communication
Refusing to take responsibility or blaming the child
Disregarding the child’s emotional and physical boundaries repeatedly
Children who have experienced emotional neglect can grow up to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Some may feel as though they were abandoned by their caregivers or parents at an early age and this can lead them to having difficulty trusting others throughout life. Children who grow up with emotional neglect often have trouble communicating their feelings because they were never taught how to do so by caregivers who should have been loving them unconditionally.
If you experienced CEN, you may have difficulty with self-esteem , a fear of abandonment and rejection, feelings of shame and guilt, and difficulty understanding your emotions. Some people may experience difficulty in relationships, including marriage and work life. If you’re married, your relationship may be unstable or feel empty. You might even question if you really love your spouse because of a lack of emotional connection. Many people with CEN have been divorced more than once; some never marry at all because they fear becoming involved romantically with someone who will leave them eventually (which often happens).
Additionally, some people report experiencing a persistent feeling of emptiness or loneliness, a lack of trust in others, difficulty forming healthy relationships, and struggle to express or manage emotions in a healthy way.
Below are some additional concerns that you may experience as a result of Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN)
Difficulty identifying and verbalizing emotions
Fear of vulnerability and intimacy
Fear of abandonment
Difficulty trusting others or establishing close friendships
Intense sensitivity to social rejection
Feeling the need for high achievement in order to feel worthy of love and connection
Periods of dissociation from yourself and your surroundings
Heightened anxiety in social situations
Chronic dissatisfaction in life regardless of work performance or social status
Perfectionist tendencies
Struggling to set boundaries
Difficulty communicating or expressing your needs
Hyper-independence, or difficulty accepting help from others
Poor confidence and low self-esteem
Intimacy Issues
Anger control problems
People-pleasing behaviors
This experience can be challenging for many people to identify and accept. As an adult, childhood emotional neglect can have long-lasting effects on your mental health and ability to successfully navigate relationships throughout your life.
Therapy is a safe space to process difficult emotions, learn how to build positive relationships, and develop appropriate coping skills.The first step in healing from emotional neglect is learning to acknowledge your feelings. You may have been taught that it’s not OK to talk about your feelings or ask for help, so this process can be challenging. In therapy, you will learn how to identify and communicate your emotions in an open way that feels safe for you.
We can help.
Childhood emotional neglect can leave invisible scars, but you have the power to heal yourself. You’re capable, strong, and worthy of love, validation, and appreciation. Reach out today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Vania who specializes in childhood emotional neglect to begin your journey towards healing.